

How to style your living room with a luxurious sheepskin rug

Ramesha Subanna Ramachandra

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug

Transform your living room into a luxurious retreat with an Ashler Sheepskin rug. With its unique texture and plush feel, this Ashler Sheepskin Bedrug is perfect for rugs for bedroom and living room decor. Not only is it luxuriously soft, but it also adds a touch of style to any room.

Apart from its aesthetic appeal, a sheepskin rug offers many practical benefits. It is a natural insulator, so it helps to keep your living room warm and cozy during the winter months. It is also naturally resistant to dirt and odors, making it easy to maintain and keep clean. With its natural properties, the Ashler Sheepskin rug will provide you with long-lasting comfort and style.

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Choose the Right Sheepskin Rug

When choosing the right sheepskin rug, consider color, size, and texture to create a perfect home decor look. Premium Quality Sheepskin rugs for bedroom from Ashler are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and textures to ensure your interior design needs are met. Reversible Sheepskin Rugs for Home Decor are a great way to achieve a chic and modern look. High Quality Sheepskin Rugs are a great way to add luxury to your home. Durable Sheepskin Rugs for Heavy Traffic Areas are designed to withstand the wear and tear of everyday life.

Consider Color, Size, and Texture

When selecting the right sheepskin rug, color, size, and texture should all be taken into consideration. For a modern look, a lighter shade of cream or white can help to add a luxurious feel to any room. For a more traditional look, a darker shade of brown or black can be used to add a more classic feel. Additionally, the rug should be sized appropriately for the room, ensuring that it fits correctly with the other furniture in the area.

When it comes to texture, sheepskin rugs are incredibly plush and velvety - perfect for adding a touch of style to any space.

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Choose the Quality of Wool

Now that you have an idea of the color, size, and texture of your sheepskin rug, it's time to consider the quality of wool. The quality of the wool used in your rug makes a significant difference in its comfort, durability, and luxuriousness. After all, the last thing you want is a rug that will shrink or become misshapen after just a few months of use. For added convenience, you may also want to look for machine washable rugs that are easy to clean and maintain.

Luckily, you don't have to settle for low-quality wool. Ashler offers premium quality sheepskin rugs that are made of the finest Australian lambskin. These sheepskin rugs are not only soft and luxurious, but also extremely durable and easy to clean and maintain.

Think About the Care and Maintenance

If you're looking for a rug that will stand the test of time, you'll want to think about the care and maintenance of your sheepskin rug. Luckily, sheepskin rugs are easy to clean and maintain, making them a great choice for busy households. Easy to Clean Sheepskin Rug for Low Maintenance will keep your home looking beautiful and feeling comfortable for years to come. For eco-friendly homes, Natural Sheepskin Rug for Eco-friendly Homes is an excellent option as these rugs are made with all-natural materials and are biodegradable.

For those with sensitivities, Hypoallergenic Sheepskin Rug for Sensitive Individuals may be the right choice.

Style the Rug with Furniture

When styling the rug with furniture, balance is key to creating an inviting look. A rectangular sheepskin rug for living room is an excellent way to create balance in the room. Placing the rug in the center of the room and arranging furniture around it will create a sense of harmony. In addition, placing the rug in the middle of the room will help to create a focal point. To make the room look more luxurious, opt for a soft shaggy sheepskin carpet. If you want to add a modern touch to your home, choose a luxurious Ashler Sheepskin rug.

Use the Rug to Create Balance

Armed with the perfect luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug, it is time to create balance in your home by styling it with furniture! Using the rug to create balance is an easy and effective way to tie a room together and give the space a sense of cohesion.

When styling your room, consider the size and shape of the rug and the space you’re working with. A good rule of thumb is to leave 12 to 18 inches of flooring visible around the rug’s perimeter. This will ensure that the rug is not too small for the space or takes over the room.

Once you have chosen the placement, it is time to consider creating a focal point in the room.

Choose a Focal Point

Now that you have chosen a luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug, you're ready to style it with furniture. One of the most important elements in styling a rug is to choose a focal point. A focal point is the center of attention in a room, and it should be used to create a dynamic and balanced environment.

Choosing the right focal point will pull the room together and give it a sense of completeness. Consider the size and shape of the rug, the decor and furniture in the room, and the overall theme. For example, if you have a rectangular Sheepskin Rug for Living Room, you may want to place a sofa against one wall and an armchair against the other to create a balanced look.

Consider the Placement of the Rug

Now that you have chosen the perfect luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug, it is time to consider the placement of the rug. Placement is key to creating the perfect atmosphere in your home. Your rug should be placed strategically to create balance and harmony in the room. A rug should be the focal point and it should be placed in an area that is the most visible. By placing the rug in a strategic location, you can create a cohesive atmosphere and make the room look more inviting.

Once you have decided on the placement of the rug, consider the furniture and other items in the room. The rug should be placed in a way that it complements the furniture and other items in the room.

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug

Add Accessories to the Rug

When decorating your home with a versatile home decor accessory like a Luxurious Sheepskin Area Rug for Elegant Home Styling from Ashler, you can add accessories to the rug to enhance the look. Layer with throws and blankets, place pillows strategically, and use artwork to create a beautiful, cohesive and inviting atmosphere. Throws and blankets can add an extra layer of texture and warmth to the room, while pillows can be used to create a comfortable seating area. Artwork can also be used to infuse the space with personality and add visual interest.

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Layer with Throws and Blankets

To take the stylish look of your luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug to the next level, layer with throws and blankets. Adding a cozy, soft layer of textures will make your space look inviting and comfortable. Depending on the style of your space, you can choose from a variety of colors, materials, and textures. Soft and Plush Sheepskin Rugs from Ashler are perfect for layering with throws and blankets that can be either knitted, wool, faux fur, or even cotton. Also, the allows you to easily switch out throws and blankets if you want to change up the look. With a variety of textures, you can easily create a layered look that will elevate the style of your space.

Place Pillows Strategically

Adding the perfect complement to your luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug in the form of pillows is an excellent way to create a stylish and comfortable ambiance. Place pillows strategically in a strategic pattern around the rug for a chic and elegant look. This will also allow you to easily transition from one area to another and provide a cozy spot for lounging. To ensure the pillows bring out the best in the rug, choose colors and textures that complement the rug’s own. Choose bold colors for a modern look, or softer shades for a more traditional, homey feel. Pillows with intricate patterns can also be used to add visual interest to the room.

Use Artwork to Enhance the Look

Adding artwork to a rug is a great way to enhance its look and take the overall decor to the next level. The right artwork can be used to emphasize the rug’s color and texture and create a look. Artwork can be used in any room to make the rug the focal point of the decor and to bring together the room’s design elements.

When selecting artwork for a rug, consider the colors and textures of the rug as well as the existing decor. Choose artwork that complements or contrasts with the rug’s colors and texture. If there are multiple colors in the rug, choose artwork that ties them together.

Play with Color and Texture

Playing with color and texture is a great way to add life to your home decor. Sheepskin rugs from Ashler are a perfect way to make any space more cozy. With white Sheepskin rugs from Ashler, you can incorporate color, texture and natural materials into your space. To choose the perfect colors that compliment the rug, consider how the rug will look with the other elements in the room. If you want to go for a more muted look, choose colors that are more neutral and natural. To make the space more dynamic, try adding colors that are brighter and bolder.

Choose Colors That Compliment the Rug

When it comes to creating a sophisticated living space, the colors that you choose for your sheepskin rug can make a big difference. With the White Sheepskin Rugs from Ashler, you can easily incorporate cool and calming colors into your room's decor that will compliment the rug and give it a modern, elegant look. Choose colors like navy blue, grey, or even light pastels that will bring out the natural beauty of your rug and make it a stunning centerpiece in any room.

Complement with Natural Materials

Once you have chosen the perfect rug for your home, you can then start to add accessories to complete the look. To really bring out the beauty of your rug, consider complementing it with natural materials. Sheepskin rugs are the perfect way to do just that. With their soft and luxurious texture, they create a cozy atmosphere and complete the look of any room. luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug are a versatile home decor accessory that can be used to bring warmth and texture to any space. From fur-covered benches and chairs to sheepskin area rugs, the possibilities are endless.

If you're looking to add a touch of luxury to your home, Sheepskin Rugs for a Cozy Home are the perfect way to do it.

Incorporate Textured Fabrics

To take it to the next level, incorporate textured fabrics to give your space an interesting contrast. Texture can add an extra dimension to the room, making it come alive. You can use knitted throws, woven rugs, and fluffy cushions for a layered and inviting atmosphere. Imagine a soft and plush Ashler Sheepskin rug paired with a chunky knit throw - the combination would be truly stunning!

If you're after a more subtle look, try a handwoven rug for a unique finish. The natural fibers will add texture and depth to the rug, while still looking effortless. Alternatively, you can add a bold and eye-catching piece like a textured cushion or throw to bring the room together.

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug

Let the Light Shine In

Let the light shine in with natural light, lighting fixtures, mirrors, and reflections! To maximize the lighting potential of your home, Ashler Sheepskin Bedrug for Bedroom and Living Room Decor is a great way to reflect the light from any direction. These sheepskin floor rugs also come in colors and textures, to complement any room dΓ©cor. Plus, these rugs are reversible and easy to clean for low maintenance. With a sheepskin rug, even the most sensitive individuals can rest easy.

Consider Natural Light

With the right interior design decisions, you can Let the Light Shine In. One of the most powerful ways to make a room feel truly special is to consider natural light. Whether it's a sunny day or a cloudy one, using natural light to your advantage can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any room. You can start by making sure the window treatments are versatile and lightweight, allowing the sun to stream through the windows. Another great way to make the most of natural light is to add versatile sheepskin floor rug for various room settings. Theluxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug add a touch of warmth and coziness to any space, while reflecting and diffusing the natural light.

Incorporate Lighting Fixtures

Throw open those curtains and enjoy the light of day! Lighting fixtures are the perfect way to take your home from gloomy to glowing.Incorporating lighting fixtures into your home dΓ©cor is a simple and stylish way to create an inviting atmosphere. With the right fixtures, you can bring in additional light to dark areas, create an inviting and cozy atmosphere, and show off your unique style.

From statement pieces to subtle elements, lighting fixtures can make a huge impact. Whether you’re going for a modern, traditional, or eclectic style, you can find the right fixture to fit your needs. With the right fixtures, you can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere while adding light to the darker areas of your home.

Utilize Mirrors and Reflections

To add another layer of dimension and intrigue to your dΓ©cor, utilize mirrors and reflections. Mirrors are an affordable and easy way to add light and space to a room, while also making a bold statement. Not only can you create a stunning visual effect with a large mirror, but you can also use them to emphasize different textures and colors in the room. From round, vintage mirrors to sleek, modern designs, there are many ways to use mirrors to achieve the desired style and ambiance.

Moreover, you can also use mirrors to reflect light, creating an even more dramatic effect. If your room has a large window or skylight, you can position the mirror to reflect the natural light back into the room.

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug

Create a Cozy Atmosphere

Creating a cozy atmosphere can be an effortless affair. Incorporate soft textures with Ashler Sheepskin Rugs for a Luxurious Feel to add an inviting look. For a cozy look, Ashler Sheepskin Rugs for a Cozy Look are perfect for creating a warm atmosphere. Adding greenery and plants is a great way to add life to any room. They bring a sense of nature indoors and the natural elements instantly create a soothing ambiance. Utilizing candles and incense is another great way to make a room cozy. The subtle scents and soft lighting provide a calming atmosphere and help create a cozy environment.

Incorporate Soft Textures

To create a cozy atmosphere, nothing beats incorporating soft textures! Soft and plush rugs, throws, and pillows can instantly turn a space from sterile to warm and inviting. Look to luxurious materials such as velvet, faux fur, and sheepskin to really make an impact.

When choosing a sheepskin rug, look for one that is to ensure that it will last for years to come. It should also be hypoallergenic and eco-friendly for those with sensitive individuals in the home. The of the sheepskin rug also makes it a great choice for various room settings.

Add Greenery and Plants

Truly creating a cozy atmosphere requires more than just the light of a few candles. To turn a house into a home, it's important to incorporate soft textures and add greenery and plants as well. Adding a touch of nature to your home is a great way to create a sense of peace and harmony.

Plants bring life to a house and can make any space look beautiful. They can also help purify the air and make it more pleasant. Incorporate a few small plants to your home and watch as they add a burst of life and color to your living space. . Place a few larger plants in corners, and place a few more along the walls.

Utilize Candles and Incense

After shining a light on your space by adding and adjusting the lighting, it is time to create a cozy atmosphere. One way to do this is to utilize candles and incense to set the mood. Candles, when lit, create a warm and inviting atmosphere, while incense adds a unique and calming scent to any room. Both of these items can be used to enhance the overall feel of the space while adding to the cozy atmosphere you are striving to create.

Candles come in an array of shapes, sizes, and scents, and can be used to create a unique and custom atmosphere. From large pillar candles that fill the room with a warm glow to votives that add an intimate touch, there is a candle that can fit any style.

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Keep It Practical

When looking for a home decor item that's both practical and stylish, it's important to consider durability and cleaning requirements, as well as stain resistance. Durable sheepskin rugs from Ashler are a great choice for long-lasting use. Unlike most synthetic materials, natural and sustainable sheepskin rugs are designed to be easy to clean and remain looking beautiful for years to come. Plus, their stain resistant fabrics make them a great option for households with small children or pets. With their price tags, luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug are perfect for anyone who wants to keep it practical without breaking the bank.

Consider Durability

When shopping for a rug, it's important to consider the durability of the material. After all, you don't want your investment to be wasted on a rug that will wear out quickly. Durable sheepskin rugs from Ashler are a great choice for long-lasting use that can stand the test of time. Not only are they , but they are also and available in a variety of styles and colors. Invest in a rug that will last for years to come and enhance the look and feel of your home with a luxurious Ashler sheepskin rug.

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug

Choose Easy to Clean Materials

Achieving the perfect balance between cozy and practical can make all the difference. When it comes to creating an inviting atmosphere, it's important to consider durability and easy to clean materials. Investing in a durable sheepskin rug for long-lasting use can ensure that your home looks great for years to come. For a luxurious and affordable option, luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug are the perfect choice. With a variety of colors and sizes, there's something for everyone. Plus, they're machine washable rugs and easy to clean and maintain, making them the ideal addition to any home.

Opt for Stain Resistant Fabrics

To bring the cozy atmosphere to the next level, it's important to choose materials that are practical and long-lasting. Opting for stain resistant fabrics is a great way to ensure your interior decor won't be ruined by accidents. Affordable Sheepskin Rugs from Ashler are especially useful in this situation, as their naturally stain-resistant properties make them easy to clean and maintain. Plus, their soft and luxurious feel adds a cozy touch to any space. Not to mention, they are hypoallergenic and versatile, meaning they can be used in a variety of settings. With Ashler Sheepskin rugs, you get a beautiful piece of home decor that can stay looking luxurious for years to come.

Showcase Your Personality

Showcasing your personality can be done in many ways. From choosing artwork that speaks to you, to incorporating your favorite books, to displaying your collectibles, you can create a unique and personal space.

Start with artwork that speaks to you. . Incorporate your favorite books by displaying them on shelves or using them as decor pieces. . Finally, displaying your collectibles is a great way to tell a story.

Choose Artwork That Speaks to You

Using artwork to decorate your home can be the perfect way to showcase your personality. Choosing artwork that speaks to you is key to creating a space that truly reflects who you are and what you love. Whether you are drawn to vibrant colors, serene landscapes, or abstract shapes, finding the right artwork for your home is a great way to express yourself.

When looking for artwork, it is important to take the time to find pieces that truly resonate with you. Don't settle for something generic or mass produced- choose artwork that is meaningful to you and makes your home feel like your own. A soft and fluffy sheepskin rug can be the perfect way to add a unique and meaningful touch to any room.

Incorporate Your Favorite Books

Moving beyond furnishings, adding books to your decor can give your home a unique sense of personality. Whether it’s your favorite classic novel, a boldly designed coffee table book, or a collection of , incorporating books into your decor can be a great way to show off your unique style and interests.

When it comes to books, it’s important to think beyond the shelves and get creative. Try stacking them on tables, arranging them in interesting patterns on shelves, or even hanging them from the wall like art. Not only will this add texture and depth to your space, but it will offer your guests an insight into your personality.

Display Your Collectibles

For those seeking to add a personal touch to their home dΓ©cor, displaying collectibles can be a great way to do so. Whether it’s a vintage item you inherited from your grandparents, a souvenir from a memorable vacation, or a special piece of art, showing off your collections can help bring a sense of joy and nostalgia to your home. For a truly unique display, why not invest in a soft and fluffy sheepskin rug for cozy home interiors? With its luxurious look and feel, a premium quality sheepskin rug from Ashler can transform your room into a comforting, inviting space. Not only will it provide ultimate comfort, but it also serves as the perfect backdrop for displaying your treasured collectibles.

Ashler Sheepskin rug
Ashler Sheepskin rug


Decorating your living room with a luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug offers an exquisite and elegant look that is sure to turn heads. With a range of colors and textures to choose from, you can create a unique style that reflects your personality and adds warmth and coziness. Plus, since sheepskin rugs are easy to clean and maintain, you can enjoy your beautiful space without worry. With an luxurious Ashler Sheepskin Rug, you can transform your living room into a luxurious and comfortable retreat. So, go ahead and give your living room a stylish makeover!

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What is an Ashler Sheepskin rug, and how can it transform my living room?

An Ashler Sheepskin rug is a high-quality, luxurious rug made from the finest Australian lambskin. It can transform your living room by adding a touch of style, warmth, and coziness. Its unique texture and plush feel make it a perfect addition to your home decor.

What practical benefits does a sheepskin rug offer for my living room?

Sheepskin rugs are natural insulators, helping to keep your living room warm and cozy during the winter months. They are also naturally resistant to dirt and odors, making them easy to maintain and keep clean. Their natural properties provide long-lasting comfort and style.

How do I choose the right sheepskin rug for my living room?

When choosing a sheepskin rug, consider factors like color, size, and texture. Lighter shades like cream or white add a luxurious feel, while darker shades like brown or black create a classic look. Ensure the rug's size fits well with your room's furniture.

What should I look for in the quality of wool used in a sheepskin rug?

The quality of the wool is crucial for comfort, durability, and luxuriousness. Ashler offers premium quality sheepskin rugs made from Australian lambskin, known for being soft, durable, and easy to clean and maintain.

How do I care for and maintain my sheepskin rug?

Sheepskin rugs are easy to clean and maintain. Choose a rug that's easy to clean for low maintenance, and consider natural sheepskin rugs for eco-friendly homes. If you have sensitivities, there are hypoallergenic sheepskin rug options available.

Ramesha Subanna Ramachandra
Author Ramesha Subanna Ramachandra
Published at: September 07, 2023 September 11, 2023

More insight about How to style your living room with a luxurious sheepskin rug

More insight about How to style your living room with a luxurious sheepskin rug